
KADIS IDK GmbH offers quality assessment tests in the field of diabetes mellitus. All types of medical devices such as glucose sensors, insulin pumps, blood glucose meters, blood glucose test strips and lancing devices are examined and tested. A particular focus is on the performance evaluation of blood glucose meters according to DIN EN ISO 15197:2015.

DCC Diabetes ServiCe Center GmbH (DCC GmbH) provides telemedical services online.

News: 2010 - 15.09.2010

Jahrestagung der Europäischen Diabetesgesellschaft in Stockholm

Vom 20. - 24. September wird das 46. Anual Meeting der EASD in Stockholm stattfinden. Das Institut für Diabetes »Gerhardt Katsch« Karlsburg wird mit zwei Beiträgen vertreten sein:

  • Enhanced GIP and attenuated GLP-1 incretin effects during IVGTT in Wistar rats under DPP-4 inhibition
    E.-J- Freyse et al.
  • Acceptance and outcome of knowledge-based decision support in routine diabetes care is strongly related to HbA1c at baseline
    P. Augstein et al.

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